The Debt Ceiling, Again…

Of course Congress should raise the debt ceiling and avoid a default. And of course throughout history the parties have been absolutely hypocritical about when they will and when they will not vote to do so. The chief criteria are twofold: (1) what is the best way to embarrass the other side and (2) gain electoral advantage in the process?

Today we have (nominally) unified government under Democratic control. Naturally enough, the Republicans are refusing to cooperate in raising the debt ceiling on a bipartisan basis. Also naturally enough, the Democrats are pretending to be hopping mad about the Republicans’ bad faith in refusing to cooperate in what is normally a bipartisan effort.

Except that the Democrats’ claim about historic bipartisanship is simply not correct. As recently as 2006 when the federal government was controlled by Republicans, not a single Democratic Senator voted to increase the debt limit–led by among others — wait for it — then Senator Joe Biden.

Below, see the speech minority leader Mitch McConnell (R, KY) made today, quoting then Senator Biden, on the subject. It is fairly amusing. Especially since it is a given that in the not too distant future a Democratic Senator will be quoting Senator McConnell when the roles of the parties are reversed.


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