Monthly Archives: August 2024

The Myth of “Learning How to Think”

An enduring myth has taken hold among a lot of people who are concerned about the state of higher education. The myth is that universities are failing when it comes to the prime directive of teaching their students how to … Continue reading

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Will the Real Kamala Harris Please Stand Up?

It has been over a month since Vice-President Kamala Harris became the presumptive and then the actual Democratic nominee for President. During all that time she has not had a single press conference or  sit-down interview with a bona fide … Continue reading

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A Campaign About Nothing

Now that the Republican Convention has concluded and we are two days into the Democratic Convention, absent any surprises, we can safely say that we have a presidential  campaign about nothing. For instance, can any one honestly say that we … Continue reading

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Running on Empty

Well, well. The Harris campaign, all aglow in the rapture the press has bestowed on it, has apparently decided that saving democracy isn’t such a great theme after all. And to be fair, it’s more than a little awkward to … Continue reading

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Can’t Anybody Here Play This Game? 

Casey Stengel asked the famous question in frustration when talking to the 1962 Mets after they racked up a record breaking 162 losses in their inaugural season.  The same question might be asked of both the Trump and Harris campaigns. … Continue reading

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Let Trump Be Trump? No Thanks.

Well, it didn’t take long. When the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) handed Trump an opportunity to make an ass of himself, Trump eagerly seized it. He did so by jumping into the deep end of the racial identity … Continue reading

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